
The Porcelain Color Trend for Menswear Theme

Author:Tom 2021-08-16

Menswear Theme


Influenced by the rising digital design and hedonism, high-saturation lightning color leads Filter Reality to surpass the real dimension. An alternative aesthetic which fuses high saturation with low brightness is shown in the theme, expressing the emotion of menswear through colors. Porcelain improves the general rhythm and creates an illusive aesthetic. Its natural gray keynote broadens the application scope of high-class colors and echoes the implicit expressionism of Filter Reality. The expression of excitement is redefined. Just like the neon light, different materials and crafts are presented on shirts and knitted items.


Menswear Theme


The updating immersive science and technology digitalize the five senses of human. When our daily social contact is binded by the virtuality, the real life is also filtered selectively. The definition of materials and the concept of environment are constantly updated. Reality and virtuality are interlaced rapidly on every level. The unique grayish tone of Porcelain is like the neon light in the dark. The implicit expressionism of Filter Reality is expressed by patterns and textures.


Menswear Theme


Taking the emotional rendering of young generation as core, multiple bright colors are grouped to reform classic items. This digital sci-fi style expresses the excitement of post-Y2K menswear. Main Porcelain shows a distinct conflict with Pirate Black(PANTONE 19-4305TPG) to create an individualized palette. The injection of Nautical Blue(PANTONE 19-4050TCX) and Sulphur Spring(PANTONE 13-0650TPG) stresses the visual tension. Finally, Bit of Blue(PANTONE 11-4601TPG) is added to balance the whole palette.


Menswear Theme


This series of being excited focuses on the emotional rendering of young generation. Multiple bright colors are grouped to reform classic items. This digital sci-fi style expresses the excitement of post-Y2K menswear. Porcelain and Pirate Black dominate all the categories. The pattern design of T-shirt follows the emotional concept of this topic.


Menswear Theme


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