
The Pattern Craft Trend for Women's Overlay Recreation Sweatshirt

Author:Spring 2023-06-27

Women's Sweatshirt


From the perspective of representative and similar style brands, the patterns commonly used in 24/25 autumn and winter sweatshirts combine popular design techniques, making plain and simple patterns more interesting and layered. This report presents design techniques of sweatshirt patterns under different craft overlaps, including embroidery & print, hand-made fringed appliqué, pixel color blocks, partial 3D, shiny overlay, and embroidery thread. Through the combination of different crafts, the expression of sweatshirt patterns has become more diverse.


Women's Sweatshirt


Combining embroidery with printing in the pattern-making process can create a visually and tactilely rich variety in sweatshirt designs. The combination of embroidery and printing not only expands the design possibilities but also increases the added value and tactile quality of the product.


Embroidery & Print


Fringed appliqué is a type of embroidery that involves using handcraft techniques to leave a fuzzy edge on the appliqués, in order to enhance their three-dimensional and textural effects, and to improve their overall visual appeal.


Hand-made Fringed Appliqué


Pixelated embroidery is an innovative style of embroidery that produces a unique visual effect emphasizing the purity of details and colors. The intricate criss-crossing of stitching lines and overlapping of color blocks create a strong visual impact. The complexity of the overlapping lines and blocks produces a strong sense of dimensionality and texture.


Pixel Color Blocks


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