In 1994, the Disney animated film "The Lion King" was a well-deserved classic of animation history. It has also become a classic in the minds of countless people. At the same time, it also won the best original songs of Oscar, the best soundtrack, the best film of the Golden Globe comedy, and the best animation of the Anne Award.
Disney's animation is always so touching the soul.
Today, 25 years later, from 2D animation to 3D drama, the remake of "The Real Animal Version" and "Lion King" will refresh our memory of this land.
It will bring you the courage and dreams and re-enter the hearts of every child & big friend.
When I was young, I saw stories. When I grew up, I was thinking more.
Kindness and courage are the stepping stones for the advancement. Once again, we feel the growth of the little lion Simba. The little lions who grew up in the storms are unapologetic, fearless and malicious, and eventually become kings!
Although the movie version of "The Lion King" has no eggs, it immediately brings thoughts back to childhood, bringing back to those simple moments when only young, in fact, this is the "Lion King" egg.
The "Lion King" classic rebirth, the Disney classic scene is perfectly portrayed, people who have not had time to see the visual effects, it is said to be shocking!
The film production team is also a super lineup, combining real-life images and super-high-shooting techniques, showing from the details, and taking us to the mysterious African continent. In addition, the 94 version of the dubbing team was invited! This lineup is really bloody!
Pandora followed the film "The Lion King", specially created the Lion King theme series, Simba, Nana, Mufasha, etc. became the protagonist on the string ornaments.
ONLY uses the cute cartoon image of "Lion King" to add a girly feeling to the clothes, and at the same time full of vitality, open the time machine of childhood memories, awaken the beauty and courage of the child, affecting every ignorant boy's heart!
Lion print pattern t-shirt for women in 2020 spring summer
In order to preheat the upcoming live version of the Lion King, Uniqlo launched the new collaboration UT with the theme of the Lion King theme "CIRCLE OF LIFE", including men's , women's and children's wear.
TRENDIANO and THE LION KING launch a joint series belonging to men. Just as the protagonist Simba experienced the fall of the king, the clothes can also record the desire for growth and the different journeys.
Find more Lion print pattern trend for clothing design inspiration at