
The Dazzling Letter and Pattern Trend for Menswear

Author:Tom 2020-11-17

womenswear pattern


Designs are closely related to current life. In the post-coronavirus era, the power of design can boost mood and inspire optimism. Therefore, joyful and optimistic designs will be advocated. Dazzling patterns help to fight against the reality and depression and extend individuality.


Pattern Trend for Menswear


Figure patterns resemble illustrations. Lines and color blocks form human body patterns, giving a technical feel. Letters express human thoughts, thus enriching patterns. Twisted, perspective and revolved effects show full designs and offer unique street looks.


Brainstorming pattern


Emoji expresses our emotions vividly, closely tied up with our daily life. The smiling face and letter are combined to offer eye-catching styles. Twisted smiling face and letters grab our attention. Funny emotions convey optimism.


Emoji Spoof pattern


Illusory patterns rise. Their gorgeous and intense colors cater to people's desire for optimism. Combination with letters can be applied to various items. Arrangements of letters catch our eyes and enrich patterns. Colors of letters and patterns make a harmonious visual effect.


Illusive Filter pattern


For a full fashion pattern trend report, pls visit