
The Bright Rose Color Trend for Womenswear

Author:Coral 2021-11-15

Womenswear color

With the appetite for fruit tones, the pitaya-like hue of Bright Rose has been hot recently. POP Fashion foresaw the trend of Bright Rose in the theme Sensory Hunger which was released in July, 2021. The special visual effect of rose petals is combined with retro graphics, flow-ing brushstrokes, and lustrous materials to present a lively color with enriched layers.


womenswear color

Neutrals and black can be properly fused with the hue of Bright Rose. This lively bright is applied in a large scale to strengthen the visual effect. Red and lavender embellishments in placement form a distinct femininity.


womenswear LOOKS

The collision between pink tones and black is integrated into illusive geometric shapes. The abstract visual effects and surreal Op Art stimulate mental thinking and spatial extension. The use of depth-of-field geometric patterns leads to the inner vibration and micro touches, which is worth consideration and meditation.


Pattern Detail & Fabric Craft

Saturated and fluorescent brights are added into black to reinforce the conflict. The intense visual tension is the core of this colorway. Black and white are injected into the tonal palette of Bright Rose and Fuchsia Pink(PANTONE 15-2718 TPG) to accentuate the two-tone contrast. Extreme joy is fused with cultural reproduction to feel the sensory shock.